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How to Rent a Studio


Oh, the classic white wall shot. Clean, simple, elegant, the subject is your only focus. The wall is slanted, so there is no horizon line, just a seamless image. This, my friends, is what many of your clients will want. Unfortunately, many of us do not have the space in our humble abodes to build such a thing. The only solution to the matter is going down the long, winding road of renting a photography studio.
Just kidding, the road is neither winding nor long, renting a studio is quite an easy task. The trick however is in finding the right one and getting the most bang for your buck! Many people with extra space in their garage may transform that into a ‘studio’, but it won’t be adequate for any professional photographers. Some big-name studios will have a nice space, but charge triple the value. So the goal is to find a studio that is large enough for you to set up lights in and have enough space to breathe, while still being affordable.
I call Los Angeles, the self-proclaimed entertainment capital of the world, my home. You can imagine that there are hundreds of spaces to rent in Southern California alone. Weeding through them all can seem daunting, but there is a very simple way to eliminate the not-so-snazzy ones. Ask yourselves these questions:
A)      Does the studio's website list the dimensions of the space?
B)      Does the studio support lighting units? Are there lighting units for rent?
C)      Does the studio have a bathroom? A makeup room?
If you answered no to any of the above questions, close the window and forget that space ever existed. If a studio has not listed the square footage, it’s probably small and inadequate. Even if it isn’t, why would you risk upfront payment to a space you don’t even know the size of? If the studio does not support lighting units nor have any for rent, that’s a red flag as well. As for bathrooms and makeup rooms, well, those are common sense. I doubt you’re going to run your client to the Starbucks across the street just to use the restroom! Also, just to mention, it is perfectly okay to ask to see the studio before putting the deposit down. If you receive a stern “no”, then run for the hills!
              Once you’ve narrowed your search down, then sort further by beginning to paying attention to location and price. Where is the studio located? If it's in an inconvenient area, a sketchy part of town, or completely out of your clients' radius, those may not be good ideas. You want to present yourself as a professional to your client, so having them pay and hustle down to a studio that is right in between “you shouldn’t be here after dark” and “middle of nowhere in who-knows-what city” probably won’t make a very good impression! However, price does play a factor as well. Studios can range from anywhere between $30 per hour to $200+ per hour.
              How do you judge the prices? Well, it’s truly a matter of intuition and how much you need something. A studio that offers a very nice makeup room, various backdrops, props, costumes, lighting units, complimentary snacks, and a large space will be expensive, but it may be worth it's price to you for all of the amenities you and your client receive.  With that being said, a space that only has a limited selection of backdrops, no lighting units and a small bathroom will not cost as much as a high-end photographic studio, but it might be all that you need for some of your different sessions. Some studios also have special day-rates and packages, taking a look at those may also influence your decision when selecting a space.
              Although it may be a bit time consuming, finding the right photography studio, or group of studios, is essential in the life of any photographer. Remember, once you find the correct one, you won’t have to keep looking- you’ll just indefinitely use the one that works for you! Then, you can upload your photo proofs into your photo gallery using an online storefront providers, such as Instaproofs, and sell directly to your clients! Happy shooting!
Anabel DFlux is a California native who prefers to spend every waking moment with her trusty camera in hand. In 2009 she started her own photography business on a whim and a wish, and has since gone on to work for a variety of publications, companies, and unique clients throughout the country. With her foot in a variety of photographic doors, Anabel is recognized as a zealous individual with a passion for art that knows no bounds. 

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