Instaproofs - Blog

Getting Started Series - Day 8 (Bonus!) - Run a Sale

@font-face { font-family: 'Open Sans' !important; font-style: normal !important; font-weight: 600 !important; src: local('Open Sans Semibold'), local('OpenSans-Semibold'), url('') format('woff') !important; } BONUS DAY! RUN A SALE! We know our 7-day Getting [...] Read more

Tip: Bounce-back Discounts

One of the least known-about discounts available through our system is the Bounce-back Discount. It's not something hidden or obscure, but it is a little different than a standard discount and sometimes people get confused by this. Don't let that be you! Bounce-back Discounts can be a very effective way to encourage additional sales, and we're [...] Read more