Instaproofs - Blog

Getting Started Series - Day 2 - Image Uploading

Getting your images online should be easy! That's why we've created a variety of upload options for you to choose from. Go ahead and pick your favorite!
Option 1: Online Web Uploader. If you're looking for something fast and easy that takes absolutely no explaining, we present to you the Online Web Uploader.

To access the Online Web Uploader simply click the Add Photos link next to any of your events within the Events tab. From there, just drag in your images and away they'll go!

image or graphic
Option 2: Lightroom Export. If you use Lightroom as a part of your everyday workflow, this option may be perfect for you.

To use the Lightroom Exporter, first you will need to download and install the plugin from here. Once you've installed the Lightroom plugin, uploading your images can be done by simply selecting the images to upload and then selecting File -> Export -> Export to Instaproofs.

image or graphic
Option 3: Custom Image Uploader for PCs. As the name implies, this option is currently only available for PC users. But if you are a PC user, this method is hard to beat!

Similar to the Lightroom Exporter above, you will need to download the PC Uploader (from here) before it can be used. After the uploader has been downloaded and installed you can then start uploading your images by simply right-clicking on any folder on your PC and selecting Send to -> Instaproofs.

image or graphic
Option 4: Use Your Favorite FTP Application. If you're fairly technically-savvy (and possibly a little bit nerdy!) you may prefer this method over the others. You can use any FTP application of your choosing.

Through your favorite FTP application you can connect directly to our image servers and upload your images directly into your events. It's a very flexible upload method and if you know what you're doing you can even upload into multiple events at once.

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