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Sticking Out From the Crowd of Weekend Warrior Photographers

Sticking Out From the Crowd of Weekend Warrior Photographers

With the ease, quality and affordability of digital cameras today, many people that have great gear, but no skill, practice, or formal training under their belt, are currently selling themselves as photographers. These types of photographers are often called weekend warriors because they generally have other full-time jobs and are available for photography only on the weekends.

Although it’s great to see so many people interested in the world of photography, the continual flood of new photographers coming into (and out of) the market can make it somewhat difficult for pro, full-time photographers to stand out and make a decent living.  So, beyond your incredible skill, passion, and eye for great aesthetic, here are a few tips that can help you sell your photos online, stand out from the weekend warriors, and continually attract new business from potential clients:

Have and Maintain a Great Website


Although your beautiful images may speak for themselves, if your website is cluttered, clunky, or difficult to navigate, your photos will take a backseat to the rest of your site. Distinguish your website from the many other photography sites out there by:

- Using an imaginative, artistic design. You are an artist, and the best way for potential clients to get to know your aesthetic is by showcasing your creativity from the start. Try not to use the same-old templates that every other photographer is using, and don’t select a pre-built website simply for its low upfront-costs or claims of ease of maintenance. If you’re trying to stand out from the rest, do something unique!

If you can afford it, hire a website designer and create something entirely your own. If your budget won’t allow for an entirely custom design, purchase your favorite high-end template and spend a few days tweaking it to make it represent who you really are. Remember, your website may be the first thing your potential clients see, and trying to save a few bucks here may end up costing you significantly in the end.

- Showcasing only your best work. When it comes to your website, quality always trumps quantity. Consider your site to be an outward first impression, and only showcase your top few photographs on the home page. You can display additional images on the inner pages of your site, but even there you don’t want to overload your visitors by showing them everything you’ve ever done! If a potential client wants to see more than this, point them to your dedicated online photo gallery or your Instaproofs storefront. 

- Letting your images shine. The appeal of an otherwise-beautiful photograph is lost when it’s displayed in low-resolution or contains a large, obtrusive watermark across the front of it. Yes, there are risks that someone may misappropriate some of the images displayed on your site, but those risks shouldn’t keep you from letting your images shine!  To your potential clients your images represent who you are, so make a great first impression by displaying your images in all their potential glory!

Invest in Great Branding


Take a look at your brand as a whole and make sure that you are pushing forward an image that you love. Subtly watermark your work with your logo, and create a cohesive photo marketing package with business cards showcasing your graphic and brand colors. 

Work the Weekends


It may sound obvious, but in order to compete with the weekend warriors you will need to make yourself available on the weekends. Many of your potential clients are the most accessible during the weekends, so consider taking your days off in the middle of the week instead. 

Bring an Assistant


Whether you’re working in-house or on-location, have an assistant with you. This will help assert your position as a true professional, and it will also be incredibly helpful to have an additional set of hands and eyes. 

Get Personal


As you continue to grow your photography business, the most important way to stand out is by being professional, courteous, and pleasant to work with. Word of mouth is the best advertising, so have fun with your clients and enjoy shooting to the top of your game. 

Promote Your Business Online


Since many weekend warrior photographers aren’t professionals, another way to stand out is to be consistent with promoting your business. Create a branded Facebook page, Google+ page, Instaproofs storefront, Twitter profile, and Instagram feed to start. Continually showcase your best work in all these areas, and promote your business by posting sneak-peeks from the shoots you are proud of. Provide discounts, specials, and even hold contests to keep your business booming!

For more helpful tips on how to improve your photography business and sell more photos online, visit or give us a call and we’d be happy to assist you!